Hello and welcome! Thank you for taking the time to visit the Adams 12 GT Parents Group website. This website was built and is maintained by parents of GT students in the Adams 12 school district to share information relevant to parents, students, administrators and others who are interested in GT resources in the Adams 12 school district. Please email us at info@a12gifted.org to let us know your thoughts.
Jill Cables
2024-2025 President, A12GTPG
Become involved in your student's education!
GT College Info Night - February 4, 2025
6:30-8:30pm at Legacy High School
The Gifted and Talented Advocates from Horizon, Legacy, Mountain Range, Northglenn, and Thornton High Schools would like to invite you, your student(s), and your families to our second annual college planning night, which will be held at Legacy High School on Tuesday, February 4 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
The evening will begin in the auditorium with an overview of the college search and planning process and some key pieces of advice when looking into the college adventure. Next, parents and students will have the opportunity to explore breakout sessions on such topics as how to pay for college; how to complete the Common Application; how to write a strong college entrance essay; how to make college “feel smaller”; and how to navigate the athletic recruiting and the fine arts audition-processes.
Last year, approximately 200 people attended this informative event, and we would like to see you attend this year!
Translation services will be on campus for this event, so please let us know if you would like to take advantage of those services.
If you have additional questions, please direct them to your high school Gifted and Talented Advocate. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, February 4 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Legacy High School (please use the west doors to enter the building!).
Kelsey Barnes (Thornton HS) - kelsey.n.barnes@adams12.org / 720-972-4833
Marleen Seckendorf (NGHS and MRHS) marleen.seckendorf@adams12.org / 720-972-2702
Tina Walters (Horizon HS) - tina.walters@adams12.org / 720-972-4563
Chris Warner (Legacy HS) - christopher.warner@adams12.org / 720-972-6780
Shared Resources from 2025 GT College Info Night
Presenters - 2024-2025 High School GT Advocates
Kelsey Barnes (Thornton HS) - kelsey.n.barnes@adams12.org
Heidi Huey (Prospect Ridge Academy) - hhuey@prospectridgeacademy.org
Marleen Seckendorf (NGHS & MRHS) - marleen.seckendorf@adams12.org
Tina Walters (Horizon HS) - tina.walters@adams12.org
Chris Warner (Legacy HS) - christopher.warner@adams12.org
The introductory keynote talked about what factors students and parents might consider when trying to find the "right fit" college.
Slidedeck ​
Each breakout session had a particular focus. The slide decks are interactive and contain links to relevant resources.
Paying for College - Slidedeck
Writing a Strong College Essay - Slidedeck
Completing the Common Application - Slidedeck
Athletic Recruiting Process - Slidedeck
Making College Feel Smaller - Slidedeck
Completing the FAFSA Form - Slidedeck
Picking a College Major / Career - Slidedeck​
Shared Resources from 2024 GT College Info Night
Presenters - 2023-2024 High School GT Advocates
Kelsey Barnes (Thornton HS) - kelsey.n.barnes@adams12.org
Marleen Seckendorf (NGHS & MRHS) - marleen.seckendorf@adams12.org
Tina Walters (Horizon HS) - tina.walters@adams12.org
Chris Warner (Legacy HS) - christopher.warner@adams12.org
The introductory keynote talked about what factors students and parents might consider when trying to find the "right fit" college.
These are helpful resources. For templates, please make a copy and then you can use it for your own college journey.
College Application Time Frame - contains links to more info
College Search Priorities Template
College Comparison Chart Template
Junior Year College Planning Doc Template
Info on Honors Programs and Colleges
Each breakout session had a particular focus. The slide decks are interactive and contain links to relevant resources.
Paying for College - Slidedeck
Completing the Common Application / Essay Writing - Slidedeck
Athletic Recruiting Process - Slidedeck
Making College Feel Smaller - Slidedeck
Audition-Based Majors - Slidedeck